Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Anti-Bucket List

Not bake the perfect chocolate cake
Not go bungee-jumping, para-gliding, ziplining across a forest
Have a career that gives me no sense of purpose or joy
Get to have our perfect kiss only once
Change who I am to suit the needs of those around me to the extent I don't recognize myself
Not make my parents proud of me
Do something that makes me lose my self-respect
Die without having done something crazy, impulsive and liberating (oh wait...think I've already done that!)
Not have a pet
Not travel the world
Not write a book
Not take up dancing again
Not have a cute, curly-haired baby girl
Not go on a trip, alone, at least once
Not have a weekend spent in bed, with him
Not get a surprise birthday party
Or the perfect, stupidly romantic date
Realize in the end that my life has been a long list of deadlines, appraisals, numbered leaves - nothing more
Get to 40/50/60 and then regret that I didn't have the courage to ask for what I had really wanted
Compromise on love - though I might be a tad late on this one...

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